The Set the Stage Campaign

Although our stage is currently dark, The Lensic continues to find new ways to bring the performing arts to Santa Fe. We have promised to be with you until you can be with us. We are also keeping our promise to support arts education programs with students across New Mexico, regardless of the method they are currently using to meet with their teachers and classmates.
The lights will come on again. And when they do, we’ll see students lining up in yellow school busses for free matinee programs at The Lensic. Artists, creators, and thinkers from around the world will return to our stage to share their talents to help you, our friends, reconnect with our community through the vareity of programs that makes The Lensic the heart of Santa Fe.
And to be ready, we need your help. Even without in-theater performances, we face significant costs to maintain our historic building and bring our performance, education, and community programs to life online. We are also preparing for the future, making the building ready to eventually welcome patrons back safely.
With the loss of ticket revenue, we now rely entirely on contributions to sustain our non-profit theater. Our Board of Directors has launched the Set the Stage campaign to keep Lensic operations going and ensure we have the resources needed to reopen and reengage our audiences.